War Changes Climate – The Naval War Effect

Trafford publication 2006, Canada Black and White, 177 page  War Changes Climate – The Naval War Effect Published: 6/23/2006; Format: Perfect Bound Softcover , Pages: 190, Size: 7×10; ISBN: 978-1-41209-059-9, Print Type: B/W; Price $19.24 & BOD publication 2007, D- Norderstedt COLORED EDITION black & White and color, 224 pages http://www.warchangesclimate.com/ Final Chapter F. Time Continue Reading

Northern Europe’s Mild Winters

Northern Europe’s Mild Winters. Contributions from Offshore Industry, Ships, Fishery, et cetera? Abstract: The marine environment of North Sea and Baltic is one of the most heavily strained by numerous human activities. Simultaneously water and air temperatures increase more than elsewhere in Europe and globally, which cannot be explained with ‘global warming’. The climatic change Continue Reading


COMMENT  Wikipedia is an extreme important and helpful tool, and deserve great support and respect. That requires competent administrators, highest impartiality, impeccable correctness and a good sense of fairness for judging complex matters. That applies also in one of the most controversial issues of modern time, the climate change issue (see WUWT, below), according the Continue Reading

Dr. Arnd Bernaerts Disappeared

Dr. Arnd Bernaerts Disappeared 2016/04/25 by Ron Clutz As happened in Soviet Russia, Climate revisionists are rewriting history. Judith Curry was one of 20 leading climate scientists according to the “Climate Council” based in Australia. But in March 2016, the list was reduced to 19, and Dr Curry disappeared (here). Now the biography of Arnd Bernaerts Continue Reading

Warming 1918

Spitsbergen heats up – Big Warming 1918 Warming process started around 1880  A severe rise in temperature occurred out of the blue north of the European continent in 1918. With the end of the Little Ice Age (~ 1850), and after Krakatoa’s volcanic dust had disappeared from the global skies (~ mid-1880), global temperatures had Continue Reading

Wikipedia is worthless and damaging

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/04/29/you-only-need-to-read-a-few-climate -entries-on-wikipedia-to-know-this-spiked-online-article-rings-true/ Article: ‘Wikipedia is worthless and damaging’ Anthony Watts / April 29, 2014 You only need to read a few climate entries on Wikipedia to know this Spiked Online article rings true We have watched how people like Wikipedia climate fiddler William Connolley rides shotgun on just about any climate related article on that Continue Reading

Irresponsible Not To Know Why?

Irresponsible Not To Know Why? These days we talk about warming caused by greenhouse gases released due to human activities. Actually no serious person has any doubt that temperatures are noticeably higher than hundreds of yearsago. Thus the matter should not be neglected. We should not neglect either the point on how climate change became Continue Reading

Twenty climatologists urge federal investigation of climate scoffers

SOURCE: Physics Today   Twenty climatologists urge federal investigation of climate scoffers A Democratic senator’s Washington Post op-ed promoted the idea; conservative media observers revile it.·  Steven T. Corneliussen , 23 September 2015 Have climate scoffers earned official treatment under RICO, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act? It originated nearly a half century ago Continue Reading