Approaching the Coast – South America in sight Wind and ocean current favored us since we crossed the equator line and sailed down to the southern coast of Brazil. Yesterday For the first time in my life I had seen an albatross that hung majestically in the sky and perhaps pitied us, how many clothes Continue Reading
Absence of data is no problem for climate scientists
IPCC tricks with terminology Post: 01 November 2018 Any reasonable academic would agree that unequivocal terminology matters. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seems no exception as their 55 pages long Glossary (IPCC SR1.5- 2019) covers several hundred explanations, the equivalent of the American Meteorology Society (AMS) covers more than 10’000 terms.But if it Continue Reading
Poland prayed for rain in September 1939 – In vain.
Only two weeks at war the rain remained in the West. Science should have explained it to the Poles since long that the war prevented raining. (Story 2) Posted 01 November 2017 – Comments welcome! What a horror! To ambush Poland on 1st September 1939 the Germans employed, or had available, forces estimated at approximately Continue Reading
Krakatoa – Northern Hemisphere winter warming after volcanic eruptions?
Krakatoa’s climatic impact still not understood – Shocking?! Posted 12th August 2017 The forceful eruption of Krakatoa, August 26-27th, 1883, darkened the sky worldwide for years afterwards. The final explosive eruption was heard 4,830 km (3,000 miles) away, 20 million tons of sulfur released into the atmosphere; produced a volcanic winter, reducing worldwide temperatures by Continue Reading
UK records – January 23-29, 1940 – Data not used for climate research
Certain historical data are so exceptional that they cry for being thoroughly investigated. The cold record for Wales in January 1940 occurred in conditions, on land, in the air and at sea, which make it almost easy to trace the causes and effects to human activities. World War II has just started. But people, who Continue Reading
Storm “Frank” and New Year’s Eve 1939
Storm “Frank” and New Year’s Eve 1939 A. Introduction Climate alarmists have run wild with predictions about the “monster” “Godzilla” El Niño active in the Pacific for several months. A corresponding situation existed in late 1939. But while it is expected that today ending December is the hottest on record, December 1939 was the beginning Continue Reading
When will Russian Scientists explain the war winter miseries of their grandfathers in WWII
To the RUSSIAN Version January 2011 During the last 70 years atmospheric science in Europe and America has been reluctant to explain the extraordinary war winter 1939/40, 1940/41, and 1941/42. What surprises that also Russian scientists seem to have done nothing to bring light into this chapter of climatology, although their fathers and grandfathers suffered Continue Reading
Self-combustion: Schellnhuber’s view of the big picture – Really?
Prof. H.J. Schellnhuber’s 784-page epos ‘Self-immolation’ (2015), just published in time for COP21, commencing in Paris today, is a masterpiece piece of missionary work – for doom mongers. Peter Höppe, Head of Munich Re’s Geo Risks Research/Corporate Climate Centre: “Self-combustion’ is the book of one of the internationally most renowned climate scientist, that is written Continue Reading
“Climate” – a creation of corrupted people – COP21
“Most of the people going to Paris will know nothing about the climatology or climate science. They will not know or want to know that the science used as the basis for the conference is a creation of corrupted people who hide behind rules created for a completely different purpose”, is the verdict of Tim Continue Reading
Monster Godzilla El Niño disappoints the climate activists
When did we “pathologize” weather? When did commonplace weather become abnormal? The debates over the past and future of anthropogenic climate change are of great importance (climate change is ubiquitous in history). But the news increasingly describes normal weather as a kind of plague, something to fear. Climate alarmists have run wild with predictions about Continue Reading